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Chemical Biology 部⾨
詳細はChemical Biology group 発表論文、総説等をご覧ください。

・Review in Journal (雑誌総説)
1) Tomohiro. Tomohiro, Makoto Hashimoto, Yasumaru Hatanaka, Cross-Linking chemistry and biology:
Development of multifunctional photoaffinity probes, Chem. Record, 5, 385-395 (2005).
2) Makoto Hashimoto, Yasumaru Hatanaka, Recent progress in diazirine-based photoaffinity labeling, Eur. J.
Org. Chem.
, 2513-2523 (2008)
3) Makoto Hashimoto, Yuta Murai, Synthesis of photoreactive aromatic α-amino acids and effective hydrogendeuterium exchange for aromatic α-amino acids, (光反応性芳⾹族α−アミノ酸誘導体の合成と芳⾹族α−アミノ酸を標的とした効率的⽔素—重⽔素交換反応), J. Syn. Org. Chem. Jpn.(有機合成化学協会誌), 72,
360-369 (2014)
4) Makoto Hashimoto*,  Tomoya Nakagita, Takumi Misaka, Recent progress in the use of diaziridine-based sweetener derivatives to elucidate the chemoreception mechanism of the sweet taste receptor, RSC Advances, 11, 32236-32247 (2021);


・Review in Book(単⾏本総説)
1) Makoto Hashimoto, Multifunctional photoprobes for identification of ligand sites within biomolecules, In:
Yasumaru Hatanaka, Makoto Hashimoto (eds) Photoaffinity labeling for structural probing within protein.
Springer, Tokyo, pp. 1-11 (2017)
2) Yuta Murai, Lei Wang, Makoto Hashimoto, (2017) Synthesis of diazirinyl photophore and optically pure
diazirinylphenylalanines for photoaffinity labeling. In: Yasumaru Hatanaka, Makoto Hashimoto (eds)
Photoaffinity labeling for structural probing within protein. Springer, Tokyo, pp. 111-128 (2017)
3) Makoto Hashimoto, Diaziridines and diazirines, Three-membered heterocycles, and all fused systems with a
three-membered heterocyclic ring, In: Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry IV (Reference Module in
Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering), 1-16 (2019);


・Original article (原著論文、selected)
1) Katsuyoshi Masuda, Ayako Koizumi, Takumi Misaka, Yasumaru Hatanaka, Keiko Abe, Takaharu Tanaka,
Masaji Ishiguro, Makoto Hashimoto, Photoactive ligands probing the sweet taste receptor. Design and synthesis
of highly potent diazirinyl D-phenylalanine derivatives, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 20, 1081-1083 (2010).
2) Ryo Murashige, Yuka Hayashi, Syo Ohmori, Ayuko Torii, Yoko Aizu, Yasuyuki Muto, Yuta Murai, Yuji Oda,
Makoto Hashimoto, Comparisons of O-acylation and Friedel-Crafts acylation of phenols and acyl chlorides and
Fries rearrangement of phenyl esters in trifluoromethanesulfonic acid: Effective synthesis of optically active
homotyrosines, Tetrahedron, 67, 641-649 (2011);
3) Yuta Murai, Katsuyoshi Masuda, Yasuko Sakihama, Yasuyuki Hashidoko, Yasumaru Hatanaka, Makoto
Hashimoto, Comprehensive synthesis of photoreactive (3-trifluoromethyl)diazirinyl indole derivatives from 5-
and 6- trifluoroacetylindoles for photoaffinity labeling, J. Org. Chem., 77, 8581-8587 (2012).
4) Yuta Murai, Lei Wang, Katsuyoshi Masuda, Yasuko Sakihama, Yasuyuki Hashidoko, Yasumaru Hatanaka,
Makoto Hashimoto, Rapid and controllable hydrogen-deuterium exchange on aromatic rings of α-amino acids
and peptides, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 5111–5116 (2013).
5) Lei Wang, Yuta Murai, Takuma Yoshida, Akiko Ishida, Katsuyoshi Masuda, Yasuko Sakihama, Yasuyuki
Hashidoko, Yasumaru Hatanaka, Makoto Hashimoto, Alternative one-pot synthesis of
(trifluoromethyl)phenyldiazirines from tosyloxime derivatives: Application for new synthesis of optically pure
diazirinylphenylalanines for photoaffinity labeling, Org. Lett., 17, 616-619 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/ol503630z
7) Zetryana Puteri Tachrim, Lei Wang, Takuma Yoshida, Miho Muto, Tadashi Nakamura, Katsuyoshi Masuda,
Yasuyuki Hashidoko, Makoto Hashimoto, Comprehensive structural analysis of halogenated sucrose derivatives:
Revisiting the reactivity of sucrose primary alcohols, ChemistrySelect, 1, 58-62 (2016); DOI:
8) Lei Wang, Yasuyuki Hashidoko, Makoto Hashimoto, Co-solvent promoted O-benzylation with silver(I) oxide:
Synthesis of 1'-benzylated sucrose derivatives, mechanistic studies and scope investigation, J. Org. Chem., 81,
4464–4474 (2016); DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.6b00144
9) Lei Wang, Akiko Ishida, Yasuyuki Hashidoko, Makoto Hashimoto, Dehydrogenation of NH-NH bond
triggered by potassium t-butoxide in liquid NH3, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56, 870-873 (2017), DOI:
10) Akiko Ishida, Lei Wang, Zetryana Puteri Tachrim, Takeyuki Suzuki, Yasuko Sakihama, Yasuyuki Hashidoko,
Makoto Hashimoto, Comprehensive synthesis of photoreactive phenylthiourea derivatives for the photoaffinity
labeling, ChemistrySelect, 2, 160-164 (2017); DOI: 10.1002/slct.201601675


Plant Response 部門
・Chapter in Book
1) Y. Sakihama, Hideo Yamasaki
Phytochemical Antioxidants: Past, Present and Future In Antioxidants. Ed. Viduranga Yashasvi Waisundara,
IntechOpen, (2021). DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.95627
2) 崎浜靖子 「植物色素ベタレイン―分布,生合成および生理機能~謎に包まれた多機能性植物色素~」化
学と生物・今日の話題 55. 582-584 (2017).
3) H. Yamasaki, N.S. Watanabe, Y. Sakihama, M.F. Cohen. An overview of methods in plant NO research: Why
do we always need to use multiple methods? In: Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Nitric Oxide: Methods
& Protocol (K.J. Gupta ed.), Humana Press. Totowa, NJ. 1424:1-14 (2015).


・Original article (selected)
1) Y. Sakihama*, T. Kato, S. Sawatdee, Y. Yakushi, J. Asano, H. Hayashi, Y. Goto, M. Hashimoto, and Y. Hashidoko. Isolation of High-purity betanin from red beet and elucidation of its antioxidant activity against peroxynitrite: an in vitro study. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 24, 15411 (2023).

2) S. Sawatdee, T. Jarunglumlert, P. Pavasant, Y. Sakihama, A.E. Flood, and C. Prommuak. Effect ofmixed light emitting diode spectrum on antioxidants content and antioxidant activity of red lettuce grown in a closed soilless system. BMC Plant Biology, 23, 351 (2023). doi:10.1186/s12870-023-04364-y.

3) H. Wakabayashi, K. Sugiyama, S. Suzuki, M. Hashimoto, M.J. Barwood, Influence of acute beetroot juice supplementation on cold-induced vasodilation and fingertip rewarming, European Journal of Applied Physiology,123, 495–507 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s00421-022-05071-6

4) D.A. Suroto, S. Kitani, K.T. Miyamoto, Y. Sakihama, M. Arai, H. Ikeda, and T. Nihira. Activation of cryptic
phthoxazolin A production in Streptomyces avermitilis by the disruption of autoregulator-receptor homologue
AvaR3. Journal of Bioscience Bioengineering, (2017). 2017.06.014.
5) Y. Yamashita, M. Ota, Y. Inoue, Y. Hasebe, M. Okamoto, T. Inukai, C. Masuta, Y. Sakihama, Y. Hashidoko,
M. Kojima, H. Sakakibara, Y. Inage, K. Takahashi, T. Yoshihara and H. Matsuura. Chemical Promotion of
Endogenous Amounts of ABA in Arabidopsis thaliana by a Natural Product, Theobroxide. Plant and Cell
Physiology, 57, 986-999 (2016).
6) S. Prama Putri, K. Ishido, H. Kinoshita, S. Kitani, F. Ihara, Y. Sakihama. Y. Igarashi, and T. Nihira, Production
of antioomycete compounds active against the phytopathogens Phytophthora sojae and Aphanomyces cochlioides by clavicipitoid entomopathogenic fungi. J. Biosci. Bioengin., 117, 557-562 (2014).
7) Y. Sakihama*, M. Maeda, M. Hashimoto, S. Tahara, Y. Hashidoko. Beetroot betalain inhibits peroxynitritemediated tyrosine nitration and DNA strand cleavage, Free Radical Research, 46, 93–99 (2012).
8) Md.T.Islam, M.Sakasai, Y.Hashidoko, A.Deora, Y.Sakihama, S.Tahara, Composition of culture medium
influences zoosporogenesis and differentiation of Aphanomyces cochlioides. Journal of General Plant
Pathology, 73, 324-329 (2007).
9) B. M. Tyler et al. (containing Y. Sakihama). Phytophthora genome sequences uncover evolutionary origins
and mechanisms of pathogenesis, Science, 313, 1261-1266 (2006).
10) M.S. Connolly, Y. Sakihama, V. Phuntumart, Y. Jiang, F. Warren, L. Mourant and P.F. Morris, Heterologous
expression of a pleiotropic drug resistance transporter from Phytophthora sojae in yeast transporter mutants.
Current Genetics 48, 356-365 (2005).
11) Y. Sakihama, T. Shimai, M. Sakasai, T. Ito, Y. Fukushi, Y. Hashidoko and S. Tahara. A photoaffinity probe
designed for host-specific signal flavonoid receptors in phytopathogenic Peronosporomycete zoospores of
Aphanomyces cochlioides. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 432, 145-151 (2004).
12) Y. Sakihama, R. Tamaki, H. Shimoji, T. Ichiba, Y. Fukushi, S. Tahara, and H. Yamasaki. Enzymatic nitration
of phytophenolics: evidence for peroxynitrite-independent nitration of plant secondary metabolites. FEBS
Letters 533, 377-380 (2003).
13) Y. Sakihama, S. Murakami and H. Yamasaki. Involvement of nitric oxide in the mechanism for stomatal
opening in Vicia faba leaves. Biologia Plantarum. 46, 117-119 (2003).
14) M.F. Cohen, Y. Sakihama, Y.C. Takagi, T. Ichiba and H. Yamasaki. Synergistic effect of deoxyanthocyanins
from the symbiotic fern Azolla on hrm A gene induction in the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme. Molecular
Plant-Microbe Interactions. 15, 875-882 (2002).
15) Y. Sakihama, M.F. Cohen, S.C. Grace and H. Yamasaki. Plant phenolic antioxidant and prooxidant activities: phenolics-induced oxidative damage mediated by metals in plants. Toxicology. 177, 67-80 (2002).
16) Y. Sakihama, S. Nakamura and H. Yamasaki. Nitric oxide production mediated by nitrate reductase in the
green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: an alternative NO production pathway in photosynthetic organisms.
Plant and Cell Physiology. 43, 290-297 (2002).

 橋床泰之 前教授分

1) Sigit Suharta, Dase Hunaefi, Christofora Hanny Wijaya*, Yasuyuki Hashidoko, Analisis Senyawa Aktif Trigeminal Andaliman dengan Variasi Metode Pengeringan dengan Pendekatan GC-MS

(Analysis of Trigeminal Active Compounds from Various Dried Andaliman with GC-MS Approach)

J. Teknol. dan Industri Pangan Vol. 33(1): 77-86 (2022),

2) Yanxia Nie*, Sharon Yu Ling Lau, Xiangping Tan, Xiankai Lu, Suping Liu Teemu Tahvanainen, Reika Isoda, Qing Ye, and Yasuyuki Hashidoko, Sphagnum capillifolium holobiont from a subarctic palsa bog aggravates the potential of nitrous oxide emissions, Front. Plant Sci. 13:974251.

doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.974251

3)  Yuta TakatsuToshizumi MiyamotoTeemu Tahvanainen and Yasuyuki Hashidoko 

Nitrous Oxide Emission in Response to pH from Degrading Palsa Mire Peat Due to Permafrost Thawing

Current Microbiology, 2022, 79, Article number: 56

4) Masataka Hane, Hanny C. Wijaya, Yanetri A. Nyon, Yasuko Sakihama, Makoto Hashimoto, Hideyuki Matsuura and Yasuyuki Hashidoko

Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) produced by Paraburkholderia phenazinium CK-PC1 aids postgermination growth of Xyris complanata seedlings with germination induced by Penicillium rolfsii Y-1

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2021, Vol. 85, No. 1, 77-84

doi: 10.1093/bbb/zbaa060

5) Matsumoto Haruna, Fan Xiaoyan, Wang Yue, Kusstatscher Peter, Duan Jie, Wu Sanling, Hashidoko Yasuyuki, Berg Gabriele, Cernava Tomislav and Wang Mengcen

Bacterial seed endophyte shapes disease resistance in rice
Nature Plants, 2021, 7, 60–72

6) Novriyanti Eka, Mao Qiaozhi, Agathokleous Evgenios, Watanabe Makoto, Hashidoko Yasuyuki and Koike Takayoshi

Elevated CO2 offsets the alteration of foliar chemicals (n-icosane, geranyl acetate, and elixene) induced by elevated O3 in three taxa of O3- tolerant eucalypts
Journal of Forestry Research, 2021,32, 789-803
DOI: 10.1007/s11676-020-01133-7

7) Hashidoko Yasuyuki and Kim Dongyeop

Bidirectional cell-cell communication via indole and cyclo(Pro-Tyr) modulates interspecies biofilm formation
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2021,87, e0127721,

doi: 10.1128/AEM.01277-21.

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